Yes, we geek or A Tale of Mincemeat and Zucchini

Yesterday we (dr, hs and sb) were working late, and around 10:00pm lunch seemed very long ago indeed. A quick survey of the kitchen confirmed that we had enough leftover ingredients for spaghetti bolognese with onions, tomatoes and zucchini. What we didn't have was mincemeat and somebody willing to leave his desk long enough to cook.

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Published on:2009-07-09

A short IM battle ensued.

sb: go and cook us dinner :)
dr: you two designers.. me one programmer..
dr: is this democracy?
sb: yes
dr: this is oppression
sb: yes
dr: NO!
dr: we fight for our freedom!
sb: COOK!
dr: permission denied
sb: COOK!
dr: permission denied
sb: COOK!
dr: permission denied
dr: you don't get it..
sb: COOK!
dr: permission denied
dr: hmm.. maybe I should say: "insufficient rights"
sb: sudo cook dinner -hs -sb
dr: damn. I'll do it...
dr: buy mincemeat!
sb: what! we'll eat vegan
sb: we have zucchini!
dr: sudo buy mincemeat
sb: shit.
dr: pwnage
sb: Enter password:
dr: mincemeat
sb: Sorry, try again. Remaining tries: 2
dr: ahh.. mom:
dr: ********
sb: SHIT

The quite enjoyable dinner was served soon after.

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